Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Olympic Bound

Well I guess it is really happening....I'm going to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics! It seems surreal right now, but as of February 1st, it will be reality!

Most of you have asked, "Kelly, how did this happen?"

So here is the short story...In July, Nicole Clarke, a former Home Event Assistant of mine, emailed me to see if I might be able/interested in working at the Olympics! Nicole had taken a leave of absence from her job at Athletics Canada to be a Deputy Event Venue Manager for Vancouver 2010. VANOC was looking for people with experience that would be able to leave work for a few weeks to share their expertise with the organization of the games. Seriously!?! Those of you who know me well, know that I love the Olympics, so I thought about that offer for a few minutes, talked to the family to make sure they were on board and sent in my resume.

The fall flew by and I almost forgot about my application. The Gaels were having an awesome football season, so I was distracted. The day after the Yates Cup I got a call for an interview, and then the day before the Vanier Cup, I was offered a position with Event Services. (Luckily Queen's won the Vanier so my supervisors were in a good mood and agreed to let me leave work for the month of February!)

During December I spent getting a place together in Vancouver (thanks Mullholland's), and booking my flights. Although I had been offered a job, I did not know exactly what I was going to be doing. All I knew that I was going to be in Vancouver. However, being a huge Olympic Fan, I really did not care where I would be, even curling! (actually,I like curling). Christmas Eve I got a call to tell me that I am going to be an Event services supervisor at Britannia Place, the training centre for men's hockey!

I haven't received a lot of details about what I will be doing yet, but I assume that this position will be making sure that the facility is ready for the teams and the media. Sounds like fun!

I am leaving Kingston on Sunday morning, and will be picking up my Uniform and Accreditation on Monday morning before my first meeting with the rest of the venue staff, so please check back in a couple of days to see what that was like.

I will be updating this blog regularly (hopefully with shorter posts) while I am in Vancouver. Please feel free to reply to me here.

Go Canada Go!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Return to this page soon for select blogs from members of the coaching staff of the Queen's Gaels.